Friday, 25 November 2011

Brief FMA glossary

There are quite a few sites online that have a huge list of filipino words and their meanings, even in mulitple dialects. This is a list I think will serve you well enough but feel free to research yourselves.

Abanico = fan strike
Abierta = open position (note there is open high and low)
Arnis = (harness) Filipino martial arts
Bacalau = a circling, returning angle 1
Baston/Olisi = stick
Serrada = closed position (note there is closed high and low)
Cinqo Teros = 5 strikes
Corto = close range
Daga = dagger
Dakop = to cup/catch
Dakot = to cut/scoop
Dulo = tip of the stick
Dumog = Filipino grappling
Dongab/Dungab = a strike with the fist
Eskrima/Escrima = (skirmish) Filipino martial arts
Espada y Daga = sword/stick & dagger/short stick
Gunting (Guninting) = scissors (limb destruction)
Hubad (hubad lubad) = tie and untie, sensitivity/flow drill
Kali = Filipino martial arts
Largo = long range
Laptik = a strike that follows through
Medio = medium range
Redondo = circling power strike

Paglibut = circling parry similar to waslik
Pakal/pical = (earth grip) ice-pick grip with tip of weapon pointing down
Panantukan/Pangamot = Filipino boxing/hand skills
Paawas = parry
Punio/punyo = butt of the stick
Sac sac = (heaven grip) standard grip with tip of weapon pointing up
Songab = finger jab
Waslik = circling parry
Witik = a quick returning strike

As always, let me know if you have any questions.

See you in class!

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