There are quite a few sites online that have a huge list of filipino words and their meanings, even in mulitple dialects. This is a list I think will serve you well enough but feel free to research yourselves.
Abanico = fan strike
Abierta = open position (note there is open high and low)
Arnis = (harness) Filipino martial arts
Bacalau = a circling, returning angle 1
Baston/Olisi = stick
Serrada = closed position (note there is closed high and low)
Cinqo Teros = 5 strikes
Corto = close range
Daga = dagger
Dakop = to cup/catch
Dakot = to cut/scoop
Dulo = tip of the stick
Dumog = Filipino grappling
Dongab/Dungab = a strike with the fist
Eskrima/Escrima = (skirmish) Filipino martial arts
Espada y Daga = sword/stick & dagger/short stick
Gunting (Guninting) = scissors (limb destruction)
Hubad (hubad lubad) = tie and untie, sensitivity/flow drill
Kali = Filipino martial arts
Largo = long range
Laptik = a strike that follows through
Medio = medium range
Redondo = circling power strike
Paglibut = circling parry similar to waslik
Paglibut = circling parry similar to waslik
Pakal/pical = (earth grip) ice-pick grip with tip of weapon pointing down
Panantukan/Pangamot = Filipino boxing/hand skills
Paawas = parry
Punio/punyo = butt of the stick
Sac sac = (heaven grip) standard grip with tip of weapon pointing up
Songab = finger jab
Waslik = circling parry
Witik = a quick returning strike
As always, let me know if you have any questions.
See you in class!
As always, let me know if you have any questions.
See you in class!
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