Monday, 17 October 2011


In both the weaponry and empty hand classes we've started with very basic Hubud, we will develop on what we've done in upcoming classes. Here is my instructor Guro Bob Breen and top Academy Black Belt demonstrating some of the finer points of the drill. Enjoy!

See you in class!

Pad work

Courtesy of my instructor Guro David Onuma and good friend, MMA coach Glen Akwei, here's some videos of basic pad work we'll be adding in to the empty hands classes. Enjoy!

3.Lead hook
4.Lead uppercut to head
5.Rear uppercut to head

Video 1

Video 2

 Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

See you in class!


While I was in London a couple of weeks ago Guro David Onuma was kind enough to make some time for a private training session were we covered a range of things from single and double stick to some empty hand techniques. He gave me some great tips and we caught up and had a bit of laugh.

I remember thinking several times that night how much I value training with him and look forward to every opportunity to do so.

Something I've learned from training with Guro David and Guro Bob is to always appreciate and take in what your instructor gives you, it might not always click on a given day but when it does you should relish it... especially when things start clicking like sticks in a well executed flow drill!

B.I.G Camp Oct 2011

As you guys know classes were canceled a couple of weeks ago as I made a trip to London for a training camp with Guro Bob Breen.

At the camp I saw good friends and training partners and throughout the day thought about how Guro Bob never ceased to amaze me. The variety of things he taught us and the way it all linked together was inspiring. Empty hand counters, locks and take downs as well as single stick techniques and flow drills. All excellent stuff!

After a couple of bruises and scratches from the Velcro of the gloves in sparring, two on one as well as stick, a few of us had a light bite and lost track of time catching up.

Training was amazing, company was great and everything that we covered that weekend was highly valued. I can't wait for next time!